MiniPwner – Evil Network Dropbox

The MiniPwner is a penetration testing “drop box”, it is a small, cheap, and simple but powerful device that can be inconspicuously plugged into a network and provide the penetration tester remote access to that network. I purchased this device for a project here @ NESIT and thought it packed quite a punch for only $23, compared to the pwnie express plugs which run upwards of $500. And at that price you could afford to lose one or two on a pentesting job and not be hurting :p Continue reading

RFPiD – Raspberry Pi Access Control

We’ve been working on our new door entry system for NESIT that will allow members to enter the space through our sliding door. This will replace our current Arduino RFID door access system. It utilizes a RFID card reader that checks the tag against a SQLite database then opens the door by triggering a 5v relay connected to a garage door opener. It also tweets when someone arrives @ the space to as well as logging the arrival into the database. Connected to the front of the device is a small 4.5 lcd screen connected by s-video port that plays videos when someone scans their card. Continue reading


The PirateBox is a device designed to facilitate sharing, you need to be close enough to connect via WiFi to this portable file server. PirateBox is designed to be private and secure. No logins are required and no user data is logged. Users remain completely anonymous – the system is purposely not connected to the Internet in order to subvert tracking and preserve user privacy. It can be used anywhere, it runs on batteries, usb, or by power cord.

We had an old Fonera router laying around collecting dust so we decided to put it to good use as a Piratebox. Our first step was to try to find a suitable case , we found a used oldschool domed lunchbox on ebay, we decided to try to bid instead of buy it now, not realizing there was such a demand for the lunchbox, someone finally outbid us for more than the lunchbox went for new. So i did some more searching and found a plastic one on Amazon for $8

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A small program in MASM that simulates the old phone blue box (MF tones) & DTMF tones. It essentially plays the tones from .mp3 files that have been modified to act like .wav files so the file size is small. They are then embedded in the application as a resource. You just press the button to hear the tone. Download it ::HERE::


A small program in MASM that does a reverse Caller ID lookup. Just type or paste the number in the box and press ‘lookup’, if it finds any data it’ll display it on the screen above. Works with some cell phone numbers too. Download it ::HERE:: *note the website that offered the revere lookups no ,longer work, I will update at some point with something else. or at least find the souce code somewhere when I find it